E-Workbook "Learn to Love Your Job" by Career Coach Christiane Turnheim
Why do you work? Only for the money? What do you like and/or dislike about your job? How could you make things better? The e-workbook will guide you to the answers and help you to Learn to Love Your Job.
I woke up this morning and just needed that boost of inspiration. When I look at this image it makes me ralize how much I/we take for granted every day and this daisy was just the “proper” image to get me going this morning in a spiritual path.
Thank you for having this available for everyone 🙂
Krishna Sir, Nice to hear from you about our village.Although we are away,we awylas eagar to hear & see prosperity of Ghandruk and the Ghandruke.Thank you very much and hopeto hear from you very soon. Krishna Gurung Kot Gaon(residing in The U.K.)
I woke up this morning and just needed that boost of inspiration. When I look at this image it makes me ralize how much I/we take for granted every day and this daisy was just the “proper” image to get me going this morning in a spiritual path.
Thank you for having this available for everyone 🙂
Krishna Sir, Nice to hear from you about our village.Although we are away,we awylas eagar to hear & see prosperity of Ghandruk and the Ghandruke.Thank you very much and hopeto hear from you very soon. Krishna Gurung Kot Gaon(residing in The U.K.)