Written on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at 12:06 pm by Christiane
Are you feeling stuck in your old job? Are you unhappy with your current line of work? Then you are not alone. Many people dream about a new and more satisfying job but only a few dare to take the necessary steps.
 So, what is holding you back? Fear of the unknown? Afraid that you would have to take a pay cut? Doubt about your skills and abilities? Feeling “too old” for starting over?
It’s true, making a career change can be a scary prospect – but think of the payoff: Loving again what you do, feeling challenged, seeing purpose, helping others, having fun… In all, working in your dream job means so much more than just getting a paycheck.
It’s not an empty phrase when I say that it is never too late to make a career change. In my college classes, I have every semester a few students, who are well into middle age. They are eager to learn, inspired by their goals, and therefore are often the highest achievers in class.
If you have a strong desire for a career change, don’t allow your fears to hold you back.
Many people find it difficult to find the energy, time and information needed for a successful career change. They worry that they may make a wrong choice and waste money on expensive retraining programs.
My Career Coaching Program can help you to find the right career for you.
I will help you:
- Identify your interests and abilities
- Explore career alternatives
- Find your dream job
- Compare and evaluate education and job training options
- Make an action plan witha  step by step guide to achieve your career goal
- Plan your finances
- Overcome roadblocks and obstacles that you may encounter on your way to a more satisfying new career.
 Email me to find out more:  ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc
 Christiane Turnheim is psychologist and Life & Career Coach. She also teaches Psychology at a Community College in Massachusetts. Visit her website at www.coach4u.net
Tags: achieving goals, afraid of career change, career change, career change fears, career coach, career coaching, career goal, coaching program, goal, happy with job, identify abilities, job dissatisfaction, job retraining, job satisfaction, job training, life coach, more satisfying job, not too late for career change, purpose, retraining, unhappy with job, wrong career choice
Written on Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 at 6:32 pm by Christiane
The majority of the American workforce is currently unhappy at work. Surprisingly, this situation seems to be not even directly related to the recession. There has been a 4% drop in job satisfaction just between 2008 and 2009, but annual surveys by the Conference board research group have shown a steady downward trend: 20 years ago more than 60 % of workers were satisfied with their jobs, today only about 45% of those surveyed expressed satisfaction.
The youngest workers are particularly unhappy: Only about 36% are satisfied with their job.
There are several reasons for the growing dissatisfaction:
According to the survey, workers find the work itself less interesting. Further, the satisfaction with job security is down – no wonder with an unemployment rate of about 10 %. Rising costs of living and health care are also to blame as many workers had to accept a cut in income when companies downsized production and work hours.
Christiane Turnheim is psychologist, college teacher and Life & Career coach. Contact her at ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc
Tags: american workers, american workforce, amp, career coach, college teacher, dissatisfaction, health care, interesting work, job satisfaction, job security, jobs, life coach, psychologist, recession, research group, surveys, unemployment rate, unhappy at work, unhappy with job
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Written on Thursday, June 18th, 2009 at 2:39 pm by Christiane
Recently, I read in the newspaper that some companies provide free pizza or ice cream to their employees to keep them happy in face of the still dismal economic situation.
In these days many companies are reducing the size of their workforce and also are cutting benefits. The remaining employees are left to deal with two pressures: the anxiety that the next round of layoffs will include them and with an increased workload because they inherit some of the tasks of those who got the pink slip.
Therefore, morale is down in many companies and management is looking for new ways to lift the spirits again. Free pizza or cook-outs are supposed to show appreciation and foster loyalty to the company during bad times.
I’m wondering whether this is really working. Personally, if I felt that my job is not secure and I might get laid off, no free pizza would keep me from looking for alternatives. On the other hand, if I’m satisfied with my job and the company in general – and one criterion for me would be fairness in regards to the whole lay-off process- I wouldn’t need free pizza to boost my work morale.
Tags: coaching, company, criterion, dissatisfied with job, economic situation, employee, fairness, free pizza, happy with job, job satisfaction, lay off, layoffs, loyalty, morale, new ways, pink slip, unhappy with job, work morale, work spirits, workforce, workload
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