Written on Friday, November 9th, 2012 at 12:21 pm by Christiane
To all of you out there, who are trying to stay mentally sharp well into high age: Throw out all of your brain training software or videogames such as memory activities. Â You are just wasting time, at least according to a recently published study in the Journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology. Instead, start running, biking, swimming, hiking or whatever kind of physical exercise you may prefer. The study showed that only physical activities were a significant neuroprotective factor.
Close to 700 people in Scotland, all born in 1936 and 70 years old when initially surveyed by the researchers participated at the study. They were asked about exercise habits and physical activity level, and also about their social life with friends and family or whether they did mentally stimulating activities.
Three years later, at age 73, the participants were given MRI brain scans. The result was that those, who did more exercise had less age related brain shrinkage and fewer white matter lesions. Participation at socially or mentally stimulating activities on the other hand didn’t make a difference in regards to the aging effect on brain size.
In conclusion, there seems to be no way around it: If we want to stay physically and mentally healthy as long as possible, exercise is the method of choice.
For me, these are expected but not necessarily welcome news. I don’t enjoy working-out and exercise though I’m regularly running 15 to 20 miles per week even in winter. I started a few years ago when age-related weight and health issues became bothersome. As I found out, it’s tough to completely change your lifestyle when you are already over 50 but with self-control and motivation, it’s doable.
It’s much easier when you have outside support and this is where a life coach can really be of tremendous assistance. A life coach will help you to set the right goals and develop a plan with you how to achieve these goals. There are many things to consider: for example don’t set the goal too high to prevent disappointment but high enough to be challenging. Also, if you add roughly three hours of exercise time per week as recommended, where do you find the time in your schedule? What would you be willing to give up to free time for exercise? How could you incorporate physical activities in your daily schedule like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the post office or mowing the lawn and raking the leaves yourself instead of hiring a company? A life coach will also cheer you on and celebrate your victories with you. I’m a life-coach and psychologist myself and I know I couldn’t have done the change from a couch-potato lifestyle to running a 10 k  without using my professional knowledge for my own benefit .
This being said, it’s a nice sunny and moderately cold November day outside and I will go now for my daily run.
This post was written by Christiane Turnheim. Christiane is life-coach at Coach4U.net and teaches psychology at a community college in Massachusetts. Email her for a free introductory coaching session at ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc .
More about the topic exercise: http://www.coach4u.net/content/healthy_lifestyle_coaching/#entry_675
Sources for the blog entry: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121022162331.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29
Tags: achieving goals, brain shrinkage, brain volume, changing lifestyle, exercise, goal, high age, life coach, life coaching, lifestyle, mental activities, old age, physical activities, physical activities in daily life, staying healthy in old age, staying mentally sharp, support, working out in high age, working out over age 50, working out over age 70
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Written on Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 at 12:10 pm by Christiane
 “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate” (Thomas Watson). “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” (Winston Churchill)
There are many quotes and inspiring stories about optimism, perseverance and how failures ultimately turned into successes. Just think for a minute about Abraham Lincoln’s political career. I think nobody questions that he was a very successful politician up to becoming president. Still, there were several setbacks in his career where he ran for office in congress or senate and didn’t make it – but he never gave up.
Inventor Thomas Edison spent countless of hours on the development of the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. When a reporter asked him about the failures, Edison supposedly answered “I didn’t fail; I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb.” (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/National_Treasure_(film) )
Most of us would have given up earlier or not even started the endeavor.
Why some people are willing to embark on a long journey toward a difficult goal and others don’t even try is a question many psychologists would like to answer. There is evidence that genes play a role and some people are simply born more optimistic than others. However, there is also evidence that optimism can be learned, which is good news as this means we all can take steps to increase optimism.
Eight steps to increase optimism:
- Don’t wait for life to happen. Set a goal and also define subgoals to mark progress toward your ultimate goal. Then make an action plan to implement your goal.
- Celebrate milestones, for example when you reach a subgoal.
- If there are setbacks, don’t give up immediately on your goal. Focus on ways to overcome setbacks and remind yourself how far you have come already..
- At the end of each day, recall positive events of the day. Find three things that you are grateful for that they happened. This can be mundane things like finding a parking spot quickly.
- Surround yourself with positive and optimistic people. Over time you will learn from others to see the glass as half full.
- Make sure that you do every day something just for fun. As more positive experiences you have, as more will you enjoy your life.
- Exercise regularly. Studies show that physical activity acts like a natural antidepressant.
- And last, but not least: Team up with a life coach to have someone who gently pushes you forward toward your goal, keeps you on track, is your cheerleader and sounding board, and helps you to overcome obstacles on your way to success. You will be amazed what a life coach can do for you!
 Written by Christiane Turnheim. Christiane is a professional life and career coach in Massachusetts and teaches psychology at a community college in the Boston area. She is author of the e-workbook “Job Satisfaction – Learn To Love Your Job”  . Email her at cten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirh
Tags: career coach, Christiane Turnheim, coaching, don't give up, exercise, genes, glass half full, happy people, hire life coach, how to improve optimism, how to increase optimism, how to learn to love your job, how to overcome obstacles, how to overcome setbacks, job satisfaction, life coach, life coaching, love your job, natural antidepressant, obstacles, optimism, optimism can be learned, optimism in genes, perseverence, role of life coach, set goal. subgoals. celebrate progress, setbacks, success, what a life coach does for you
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Written on Tuesday, January 10th, 2012 at 5:50 pm by Christiane
Improving wellness by doing more exercise and eating better is a popular New Year’s resolution. However, by now – not even two weeks later – many people have a hard time sticking to these goals or even gave already up. According to a study by Richard Wiseman in 2007, ultimately more than 80 % of the resolutions will fail.
My experience with my clients is that many people simply want too much and too fast without being able to incorporate necessary life style changes into their daily life. If you didn’t exercise for many years, don’t expect suddenly to spend five hours in the gym per week.
I was asked recently how it comes that I’m able to stick to my running regimen of 15 – 20 miles per week for two years now though I was never running before. Here is my answer:
After several failed attempts earlier, I did two things differently in 2010:
First, I started with a small step, just learning to run a half mile daily. I was in such a bad shape that this was difficult enough, however it took only a few minutes out of my daily schedule. I could afford these minutes and this way, I experienced at first the advantages of more exercise in the form of feeling better and being more energetic before I had the price to pay – giving up something that I did for fun to free up time for exercising. Once I got in better shape, I slowly increased the distance. The pounds started to come off when I was at about two miles per day. The weight loss was of course a big motivator and today I’m running in average a 5 K on most days of the week. I lost more than 30 pounds and I am in a better shape now than I was 20 years ago.  I’m sure had I started with a longer distance right away, I probably would not have made it.
The second reason why I’m still running is that I learned to incorporate the exercise into my daily life. It takes out 30 to 45 minutes every day, and to make this work, I started combining my errands with running. I do as much as possible local now and run to the post office, library, hair dresser, subway station etc., often carrying a small bag. I found out that it doesn’t take much more time than going by car because I can use a different route when running without having to stop at traffic lights, and of course at my destination, I don’t have to search for a parking spot. Being able to combine exercise with errands makes it much easier for me to stick to my close-to-20-miles-per- week- goal.
In summary, like many people, I also had failed in the past with my resolutions. Two points  made all the  difference in 2010: starting slow and finding a way to combine exercise with my day to day life .
Christiane Turnheim is life coach in private practice and psychologist instructor at a community college in the Boston area. You can reach her at ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc
Tags: 5 K, achieve goals, achieve goals with life coach, Christiane Turnheim, combine exercise with errands, exercise, failur rate, failure, feeling overwhelmed, goal setting, goals and failure, goals and setbacks, goals not straightforward, how a life coach can help, how to achieve goals, how to avoid failure, how to avoid feeling overwhelmed, how to have success with goals, how to have success with New Year’s resolutions, how to make New Year’s resolutions work, increase success rate, life coach, Life Coach Christiane, Life Coach Christiane turnheim, life coaching, new years resolution, run daily, running, setbacks, SMART goals, success rate, support, why goals fail, why resolutions fail, work with life coach
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Written on Friday, January 7th, 2011 at 5:28 pm by Christiane
Only a few days into January and many New Year’s resolutions are probably already abandoned.
One of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight. This year, I joined those who want to shed some extra pounds in 2011. I’m optimistic that I will be successful as for me it’s about continuing what I achieved last year. 20 pounds are already gone; another ten shall follow in 2011.
Like many people, I have tried in the years before several times to lose weight. Like so many others, I also struggled with the typical pattern of losing and gaining back – until last March, when I had enough.
Two ways to lose weight:
There are only two ways to lose weight. Either you cut down on calories or you burn more than you consume by increasing physical activity.
In previous diets I focused on cutting calories. As this didn’t work so well because I can’t deal with hunger, I had only one path left: exercise! I have never been the athletic type, and frankly, I don’t enjoy workouts in gyms or running on sidewalks of busy streets, right next to car exhaust fumes. But I needed to do something and so I began jogging, and was at first shocked to learn that I could hardly run for a mile. With time and perseverance, I made it eventually to five miles. The weight loss started when I ran in minimum three miles on at least five days per week. I keep doing this despite winter temps and snow outside, but I still don’t enjoy it – however, I do enjoy the results.
On the positive side, I didn’t need to make major changes to my diet. I did replace caloric drinks like fruit juice and sweetened tea with water, though, and cut down on cookies and candy. Other than that, I’m eating normal meals and don’t go hungry.
After nine months of running, I know that I found a weight management technique that works for me- and will work in future as I will have to keep running to avoid gaining back the pounds I have shed.
It works for me because it didn’t require extreme life tyle changes – I just had to make room for 30 – 50 minutes of running. (Sometimes now, I’m literally running my errands like running to the library or to a store)
Secret to weight loss
I firmly believe this is the secret to achieving your weight loss goal: You must find a way that doesn’t require major changes in your daily routine or diet because it’s hard to stick with something that is totally different. I think, this is the problem with most of these fancy diets – they are too different to our normal grocery shopping, food preparation, and eating routine, and therefore after a while we go back to our old (unhealthy) eating habits and portion sizes.
If you want to lose weight and keep the pounds off, you must make changes that last.
Start by listing your biggest diet sins, and then, perhaps step by step, eliminate or reduce these sins. Instead of two spoons of sugar in coffee, only one; instead of a muffin only two small cookies….eat the burger, but only half of the bun and half of the fries….Also, add exercise. It’s good for your health and will speed up the weight loss. You may not lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks, but if you develop new healthier eating and exercise habits that you can stick with, you will keep off what you lose.
Posted by Christiane Turnheim. Christiane is Life & Career coach, author of “Learn to Love Your Job” , and teaches Psychology at a Community College in Massachusetts.
Tags: burn more calories, burn more than you consume, cut calories, diet sins, eat less, exercise, jogging, lifestyle, lose weight, new years resolution, running, shed pounds, weight loss, weight loss through running, weight managment, weight managment technique
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Written on Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 at 4:40 pm by Christiane
Do you also occasionally wonder how some folks manage to go to the gym three or four times per week for an hour or more? I do, because with kids, house, garden and last but not least, two jobs squeezing out time for the gym seems impossible. I do know, it’s recommended – still, I don’t have time for it and this is no excuse. Now, at least, I don’t need to feel guilty anymore about the little exercise I do.
A study at McMaster University in Canada has shown that doing several times per week high-intensity interval training (HIT) is as beneficial for your health as traditional long term exercise. For the study, volunteers did three times per week ten one-minute sprints on a stationary bike with one minute rest in between. In total they got 30 minutes of exercise. The results of the study were published in the March issue of the Journal of Physiology .
What I learned from this study is that in good conscience I can replace hours of endurance training, for which I don’t have time in my busy life,  with a few minutes of intense exercise on my stationary bike. Works for me.
Christiane is Life coach and psychologist. Contact her at www.coach4u.net
Tags: coach christiane, coach4u, coach4u.net, coaching, conscience, endurance, endurance training, exercise, health, high intensity interval training, intense exercise, interval training, jobs, journal of physiology, life coach, life coaching, mcmaster university, psychologist, study volunteers, workout
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Written on Thursday, January 29th, 2009 at 6:34 pm by Christiane
Are you one of those people who dread winter? I am. I don’t like the cold, the snow and the ice. Just today, I was trying for about one hour to get rid of the half inch of ice that was covering our driveway and stairs. If I could, I would hibernate.
Some people suffer in the winter months from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The symptoms are among others lack of energy, and changes in sleep and eating behaviors. People with SAD should see a physician to discuss treatment options.
Those of us, who feel just a little dragged down by the long winter, may find help with the following tips against the Winter Blues:
1. Eat extremely healthy: Â Lots of veggies, fruit, and nuts. Reduce sugar and all starchy food.
2. Force yourself out into Mother Nature. Walk, go sledding, and ice skating or skiing. Be active and try to catch as many sunrays as possible (of course, with proper sun cream protection)
3. Exercise regularly – at least 15 to 30 minutes daily. Even a brisk walk to the bus stop might suffice.
4. Meet your friends as often as possible. If you can’t meet, then talk on the phone.
5. Surround yourself with beautiful things: flowers, listen to music, candlelight
6. Start a project; something, you always wanted to do but never had time for: organize your photos, paint your apartment, and try out new recipes…
Basically, keep active and you will see: time flies by and suddenly, it’s spring again.
Christiane is psychologist and a professional Life Coach. Her website is www.coach4u.net
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Written on Friday, February 8th, 2008 at 6:20 pm by Christiane
Somehow, after the gym I don’t feel as energized as after a good hike through the woods. Scientists recently found out what’s missing in most gyms: Something green.
The benefit of exercising outdoors goes beyond burning calories. Being outside in Mother Nature helps reducing stress, depression and anger and thus overall, improves the emotional state.

Well, that’s nice to know, but not much comfort in the middle of a long New England winter. Today, it was snowing lightly throughout the entire day.
But it seems that research offers a solution for people with limited outdoor opportunities based on their geographical location:
Researcher at the University of Essex in Britain tested the impact of different views on treadmill runners. One group was exposed to idyllic rural views while running, and the other group to rather unpleasant city views. After 20 minutes of exercise the researcher measured blood pressure and how the participants were feeling. Needless to say, the group who looked at the rural views had the better results.