Written on Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 at 12:42 pm by Christiane
US employees get on average per year 9 days paid leave and 6 paid holidays – despite the fact that the US is the only advanced economy in the world that has no paid leave law. European workers, for comparison, get in minimum 20 days of paid leave in addition to paid holidays. In my native country Austria, workers can get even up to six weeks of paid leave plus 13 holidays.
In the US, full time employees and those with a higher income are more likely to get paid vacation days than part-time and low wage workers. And despite having on average only nine days of paid vacation, roughly a third of employees with vacation benefits don’t take all of the vacation days they receive. Many believe that management perceives it negatively if they take vacation. A typical fear in these days of high unemployment is that workers are afraid that they may get replaced if they don’t give 110 % and therefore they rather forego on the well deserved time-off. About 25% of those, who do take vacation, stay connected with their company by checking work email or taking phone calls from the office while on vacation. About one third of employees admitted in an Expedia.com survey that they feel guilty about taking time off.
They shouldn’t – because it’s not only in their own interest if they use their vacation days to relax and refresh. There’s also a benefit to the employer: Workers who don’t get a break will become exhausted and burned-out over time. They are no longer able to perform to their full potential. They are also at risk for depression and other health issues, which may end up to cost the company more than the vacation days. On the other hand, workers who come back after a break with new energy and new perspectives and ideas will be more productive.
Therefore, talk to your employer about your vacation needs and how the company can even benefit from it. Plan ahead and talk to your co-workers about your vacation. Ask a co-worker to cover for you if necessary and offer the same favor in return. Final advice: don’t take work with you and avoid checking emails. It’s quite unlikely that your office will fall apart just because you take a few days off.
And with these lines, I say “Good bye” for two weeks. I will be on vacation in Austria!
Christiane is a Life and Career Coach. She also teaches psychology at a community college in Massachusetts. You can reach her via her website http://www.coach4u.net or email her.
Tags: burn-out, burned out, burnout, career, career coach, checking email while on vacation, coach, coaching, European vacation law, getting replaced, job exhaustion, job satisfaction, job security, life coach, paid holiday, paid leave, productivity, secure workplace, US vacation law, Vacation, work, working during vacation
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Written on Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 at 8:14 pm by Christiane

The ten sections of the Job Satisfaction Wheel represent important factors, which for many people determine job satisfaction.
 Print the wheel. Seeing the center of the wheel as 0 and the outer edges as 10, assign each section a value between 0 and 10, depending on YOUR satisfaction with the particular factor at YOUR current workplace. If you connect these values with a straight or curved line to create a new outer edge, do you still have a nice, round wheel?
 If you see areas that need improvement, take action. Don’t accept a dissatisfying job situation! Call me at 781 777 2791 or email me to schedule a Free Coaching introduction session to find out how Career Coaching can help you.
 Read also my e-workbook “Learn to Love your Job” with information and activities designed to help you to find satisfaction in your job. Learn more about the book.

Tags: benefits, boss, career coach Christiane Turnheim, career coaching, coaching, coaching sessions, compensation, eWorkbook learn to love your job, fun at workplace, hate my boss, job satisfaction, job security, meaningful work, opportunities to use skills, pay, relationship with co-workers, relationship with management, safety of work environment, satisfaction factors, satisfaction wheel, supervisor
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Written on Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 at 7:52 pm by Christiane
Currently, job satisfaction is down to a record low in the US. About 55 % of Americans are unhappy with their work, according to a recent survey by the Conference Board research group.
Are you unhappy, too?
This eWorkbook will help you to identify strategies to get a satisfying job. “Learn to Love your Job” is not just a book to read. You will get 2 in 1, an eBook and an eCourse. “Learn to Love your Job” combines information with questions and self-tests about your own experiences and attitudes. You will also learn more about strategies to improve your job situation.
After reading the eWorkbook and doing the exercises, you will have a better understanding of your needs and what you are expecting from a job – besides a good salary, of course. You will know what makes you happy at your workplace and what triggers unhappiness.
After reading the eWorkbook “Learn to Love your Job” you will be able to answer among others the following questions:
• What are the 5 most important job satisfaction factors?
• How important are good relationships with co-workers for me? Do I have a strong need for building relationships with co-workers and/or customers?
• Do I need challenges in my work more than pay and benefits?
• How important is work for me? Am I just working for the money?
• What bothers me most at my workplace? My supervisor, not receiving recognition, or the working environment….?
• How can I improve my relationship with my boss?
• What can I do to make my work more interesting?
As the last two questions demonstrate, you will also learn how to change and improve the problem areas at your workplace so that you can finally say:
 I Love my job!
Chapter Overview:
1) What exactly is job satisfaction?
2) Why does job satisfaction matter? – Your health and job satisfaction. Test yourself: How satisfied are you at your current workplace?
3) Why are you working? Learn to distinguish between motivation and satisfaction!
4) What gets you out of the bed and to work every morning? Is it just the money? Or are you someone who needs challenges? How important are achievements and making a difference? Do you need interactions with other people? Read what famous psychologists say about motivation. (Herzberg, Maslow, Discrepancy theory, McClelland)
5) Role of key elements: Leadership and leadership styles, co-workers, salary and benefits. Take a test to determine your job happiness triggers! Discover also what you dislike most about your job.
6) How to get your dream job? Strategies to improve your current workplace.
7) Make an Action Plan, and start moving toward your Dream Job.
Don’t spend one more day in a dissatisfying job!     Â
Would you like to know more about the eWorkbook “Learn to Love your Job”? Call me at 781 777 2791 or email me.
Tags: achievement, benefits, career coach, career coaching, co-workers, coaching, conflict with co-worker, discrepancy theory, dislike co-workers, hate my co-workers, Herzberg, job satisfaction, key factors, leadership, leadership style, life coach, life coaching, Maslow, McClelland, motivation, pay, promotion, salary, unhappy with boss
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Written on Friday, July 9th, 2010 at 9:49 am by Christiane
How to be happy at work? The answer: Be happy in your life.
According to a new study published by the British Psychological Society people, who feel generally happy in their lifes are more likely to like their jobs. On the flip side, those who are unhappy in life are unlikely to be experiencing  job satisfaction. Also, looking for a new job is probably not the solution as those dissatisfied with their lifes will probably find something wrong with the new job, too.
So, what can you do? Psychologists still discuss and research the genetic component of happiness. However, it’s never genes alone.
People, who are unhappy in life and in their jobs have most likely learned certain thinking styles, behaviors, and expectations that hinder them to achieve happiness. Possible causes could be for example black and white thinking and perfectionism (if it’s not perfect, it’s awful), unrealistic expectations, focusing on negative aspects and neglecting positive events and so forth.
The good news: As these thinking styles, behaviors and expectations are learned, they can be unlearned.
Written by Life and Career Coach Christiane Turnheim. Christiane teaches psychology at a community college in the Boston area. To contact her, visit her website www.coach4u.net
Tags: career coach Christiane Turnheim, career coaching, coaching, happiness, happy with life, job satisfaction, jobsatisfaction, life and career coach Christiane Turnheim, life coaching, life satisfaction, psychological research
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Written on Friday, July 2nd, 2010 at 3:18 pm by Christiane
Can money buy happiness?
An old question about which many books are written. To a certain degree, money is certainly important for happiness. Living in poverty is definitely no fun: If you have to worry day and night how to pay for rent and groceries,  it’s difficult to enjoy life. On the other hand, being wealthy is not equivalent to being happy – countless stories about with life struggling celebrities in the tabloid press may serve here as confirmation.
A worldwide Gallup survey shed now more light on the most important factors, which make up happiness and the role of money.
According to the Gallup World Poll (136,000 people in 132 countries participated), life satisfaction and enjoyment of life are the two main components of happiness.
Life satisfaction, defined as the feeling that life goes well, increased with rising personal and national income. Hence, money is an important factor for satisfaction. However, the other component, life enjoyment defined as positive day-to-day feelings, depended also on other factors, such as feeling connected to other people, having personal freedom and feeling respected.
Original report here
Tags: coaching, enjoyment of life, fun, happiness, income, key factors for happiness, life coach, life coaching, life satisfaction, money, money buy happiness, satisfaction, wealth
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Written on Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 at 9:44 am by Christiane
Quick question: What happened to your New Year’s resolutions? It’s April, and therefore I think it’s reasonable to ask how many of your commitments survived that far into the year? If you are like most people,  it may be time to review and adjust your original goals and then start over. Who says that you have to put your resolutions on hold until January 1st, 2011?
First step, find out why you gave up on your goals. Did you want to lose weight and were frustrated because you didn’t shed the pounds as fast as you had hoped? Was it too difficult to stop smoking altogether? Did bad weather or sick kids keep you from going to the gym regularly? Review what happenend and how you felt about your commitments as long as the memory is relatively fresh.
The main reason why many people don’t follow through with their New Year’s resolution is that they want too much too fast, and they strive for perfection. Any setbacks, and they give up. If you think that’s you, take another run on your goals – this time only slower and allow for slip-ups.
First, when setting your goal, follow the SMART rule: Define your goal in a way that it is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. For example, instead of “Eating healthier” commit to eating two pieces/servings of fruits and a salad and to drink one glass of orange juice daily for the next three months. At the end of each day, you will know whether you kept to your plan. If not, ask what kept you from achieving your daily goal and then make corrections. If you discover for example that you would prefer salad or cooked vegetables over fruit, go for it.
Don’t be a perfectionist. If you didn’t eat any fruit before, it’s already progress to eat one piece of fruit, even if your plan called for two. Therefore, give yourself credit for it. Don’t focus on how much you fell short of your goal, instead think positive and focus on how much you achieved.
Take babv steps. If you want to lose weight, don’t aim for losing ten pounds in a month. By aiming too high, you are setting yourself up for failure. Set a realistic goal, like losing one pound per week. If there is a week where you don’t even achieve this goal because of a birthday party or because the muffin in the coffe shop just was too tempting , see it as a learning experience. Temporary set backs are normal, so don’t beat yourself up about perceived weakness.
Tell other people about your goals, and write reminders or use motivating pictures and put them at places where you will see them often.Â
And if you still struggle, hire a Life Coach to support you. Think of all the seemingly perfect celebrities you may admire. Most of them have personal trainers or nutritionists to help them stay on course. So, it’s nothing wrong with a little outside help. And if your goal is about your health, see it this way: a little money spend now on a Life Coach could save you later more money spend on doctor fees and hospital bills.
Written by Life Coach Christiane Turnheim. Visit her website at www.coach4u.net or email her ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc
Tags: achieving goals, coach, coaching, commitments, goal, goal setting, life coach, Life Coach Christiane, Life Coach Christiane turnheim, New Year's resolutions, setbacks, setting goals, slip-ups, SMART, SMART goal, SMART goals, SMART rule
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Written on Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 at 4:40 pm by Christiane
Do you also occasionally wonder how some folks manage to go to the gym three or four times per week for an hour or more? I do, because with kids, house, garden and last but not least, two jobs squeezing out time for the gym seems impossible. I do know, it’s recommended – still, I don’t have time for it and this is no excuse. Now, at least, I don’t need to feel guilty anymore about the little exercise I do.
A study at McMaster University in Canada has shown that doing several times per week high-intensity interval training (HIT) is as beneficial for your health as traditional long term exercise. For the study, volunteers did three times per week ten one-minute sprints on a stationary bike with one minute rest in between. In total they got 30 minutes of exercise. The results of the study were published in the March issue of the Journal of Physiology .
What I learned from this study is that in good conscience I can replace hours of endurance training, for which I don’t have time in my busy life,  with a few minutes of intense exercise on my stationary bike. Works for me.
Christiane is Life coach and psychologist. Contact her at www.coach4u.net
Tags: coach christiane, coach4u, coach4u.net, coaching, conscience, endurance, endurance training, exercise, health, high intensity interval training, intense exercise, interval training, jobs, journal of physiology, life coach, life coaching, mcmaster university, psychologist, study volunteers, workout
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Written on Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 at 7:25 pm by Christiane
Do you think that getting old is equivalent to getting forgetful, physically weak and dependent on others? If yes, think again – in your own interest.
According to recent research, people who expressed negative stereotypes about aging when they were younger had a higher risk 30 years later to suffer from serious health and memory problems. They even lived on average 7.5 years shorter compared to those with a more positive attitude about getting old.
Scientists are of course trying to find out what is causing this link between stereotypes and health effects.
It could be that the principles of self-fulfilling prophesies are here at work. If you believe that you will lose cognitive skills like memory as you get older, you may stay away from tasks involving those skills. Consequently, as the old adage goes, “use it or lose it” you are then losing these skills.
Christiane is psychologist and Life & Career coach. Contact her at ten.u4hcaocnull@enaitsirhc
Tags: "use it or lose it", aging, coach, coach4u, coach4u.net, coaching, good life, happiness, life coaching, lifecoach, lifespan, lifestyle, memory, stereotypes, well-being, wellbeing, wellness coaching
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Written on Thursday, June 18th, 2009 at 2:39 pm by Christiane
Recently, I read in the newspaper that some companies provide free pizza or ice cream to their employees to keep them happy in face of the still dismal economic situation.
In these days many companies are reducing the size of their workforce and also are cutting benefits. The remaining employees are left to deal with two pressures: the anxiety that the next round of layoffs will include them and with an increased workload because they inherit some of the tasks of those who got the pink slip.
Therefore, morale is down in many companies and management is looking for new ways to lift the spirits again. Free pizza or cook-outs are supposed to show appreciation and foster loyalty to the company during bad times.
I’m wondering whether this is really working. Personally, if I felt that my job is not secure and I might get laid off, no free pizza would keep me from looking for alternatives. On the other hand, if I’m satisfied with my job and the company in general – and one criterion for me would be fairness in regards to the whole lay-off process- I wouldn’t need free pizza to boost my work morale.
Tags: coaching, company, criterion, dissatisfied with job, economic situation, employee, fairness, free pizza, happy with job, job satisfaction, lay off, layoffs, loyalty, morale, new ways, pink slip, unhappy with job, work morale, work spirits, workforce, workload
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Written on Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 at 2:51 pm by Christiane
ScienceDaily (May 16, 2009) People looking for a good job at a good salary could find their intelligence may not be the only trait that puts them at the top of the pay scale, according to researchers. A new study finds attractiveness, along with confidence, may help job-seekers stand out to employers. …Â http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090514130641.htm”>read full article
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