Job satisfaction feedback (by email)
Readers of “Learn to Love Your Job” qualify for a personal analysis to a special low price. Just email your answers to the questions and self-tests to the author, Life Coach and Psychologist Christiane Turnheim. You will get a comprehensive email analysis of your job satisfaction/ reasons for dissatisfaction and tips how to improve your situation.
E-WorkBook Job Satisfaction
According to a recent survey by the Conference Board research group, job satisfaction is down to a record low in the US. About 55 % of Americans are unhappy with their work.
If you are one of them, this eWorkbook will help you to identify strategies to get a satisfying job.. “Learn to Love your Job” is not just a book to read. You will get 2 in 1, an eBook and an eCourse, because “Learn to Love your Job” combines information with questions and tests about your own experiences and attitudes. After reading the eWorkbook and doing the exercises, you will have a better understanding of your needs and what you are expecting from a job – besides a good salary, of course. You will know what makes you happy at your workplace and what triggers unhappiness. Perhaps most importantly, you will also learn how to change and improve the problem areas at your workplace so that you can finally say: I Love my job!
Positive Change – Coaching Packet
What you will get:
- A set of 3 coaching sessions with each session lasting 45 – 60 minutes tailored to your specific needs and goals. The sessions ought to be completed across a 30-60 day period.Â
- Unlimited email contact between sessions for follow-up questions
- Weekly tracking of progress..
- Option to renew the set of 3 Sessions for 10% off.
- Option to continue with bi-weekly or once per month sessions.
Sessions are either by phone or, if you live in the Boston area, in person (on request). I coach in English or German.
Job Satisfaction Coaching session
Readers of “Learn to Love Your Job” qualify for a coaching session with a personal analysis of their job satisfaction to a special low price. Just email your answers to the questions and self-tests to the author, Life Coach and Psychologist Christiane Turnheim. As soon as your email is received, we will schedule a session (50 minutes, either phone call or at the Coach4Uoffice in Arlington, MA)
Focus Coaching
Do you have a specific issue that you need help with?
Focus coaching can help with immediate issues, such as a problem in a relationship with your partner, a colleague or your boss, completing a project, sticking to a diet, maintaining an exercise program, reaching an important decision, and others.

As soon as I receive the payment confirmation, we will schedule the Coaching session. You will also receive a questionnaire by email. Please answer the questions as comprehensively as possible. Your answers will help me to prepare for our coaching sessions and as more as I know about your situation, as better I can coach you.
Email Coaching
Get Coaching byemail and enjoy the benefits.
• You can work with me at your own convenience.
• You decide the time and the pace of our coaching relationship.
• Some clients prefer the anonymity of email coaching.
• The coaching fees are lower, and therefore email coaching functions as low cost, low risk entry to coaching.
• There is always the possibility to switch to phone coaching or in-person sessions.
Email Coaching (month)
Get a full month of email coaching to a reduced price!
Benefits of email coaching compared to coaching on the phone or in person:
· You can work with me at your own convenience.
· You decide the time and the pace of our coaching relationship.
· Some clients prefer the anonymity of email coaching.
· The coaching fees are lower, and therefore email coaching functions as low cost, low risk entry to coaching.
There is always the possibility to switch to phone coaching or in-person sessions.