Two steps for more happiness

Written on Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 4:31 pm by Christiane

It’s time again for New Year’s resolutions. Here, two suggestions that will most definitely improve your life satisfaction and happiness.

Step 1: Have a gratitude journal.

Write at least once a week about 5 things that you feel grateful for. Set aside a specific day and time to do that so that you won’t forget (i.e. every Sunday after breakfast).

Researchers at the University of California recently published the results of an experiment about the impact of gratitude. Subjects in an experimental group that had such a gratitude journal for ten weeks reported an improved outlook on their life. They felt more optimistic about the future, slept better, spent more time exercising and had less health issues.

Step 2: Each morning, start your day by thinking about something fun that you will do during the day.

If you can’t find anything already planned into your schedule, then add it. It doesn’t need to be something big. Plan to call your best friend, go to your favorite joint for lunch or go to the movies in the evening. Just make sure that every day there is something that you do for your own enjoyment.

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