December, 2008 Archive
Happy New Year
December 30th, 2008 by Christiane
Merry Christmas, Peace and Joy
December 24th, 2008 by ChristianeTags: Christmas wishes

Food for Thought
December 18th, 2008 by ChristianeTags: age, aging, coaching, life coaching, wisdom

Secret of Optimism
December 11th, 2008 by ChristianeI have a good friend whom I admire for her energy, curiosity about life and optimism. She is well into her eighties with an unbroken zest for life.
A while ago, she told me the secret for her positive attitude: “When I get a box with a variety of chocolates, I will eat only one per day. On the first day, I will select the one that I like best. The next day, I will take the best of the remaining, and this I will repeat every day until all are gone. This way, I get to enjoy every day just the best of all my options”.Â
Tags: approach to life, Coach chris, coach4u,, coaching, curiosity, energy, lebenslust, life attitude, life coach, optimism, wisdom, zest for life